Tuesday, December 14, 2010

3rd letter


Thank you for writing in support of my cause.

I accept the consequence of my sentence to serve time incarcerated because I respect laws and institutions. My conscience impelled me to act in a symbolic witness of solidarity to demonstrate the call of Christ for our time. With the inevitability of the charge and the sentence, no amount of dissuasion out of concern (for my well being in prison) could deter me from giving voice to the voiceless.

Today you bear the witness. In your letter your words reveal to me the faith that heals. I am grateful for any encouragement since I know it comes from the Holy Spirit. You seem to me a prophet, seeing me and calling out the truth of my deepest conviction. What I read emboldens me to hold fast in truth to my brothers and sisters, the dead and the living, who manifest the beloved community. I find healing in your words for they strengthen my resolve in the faith that truth shall overcome.

Thank you, dear prophet, for calling forth from me all that love requires.

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